Thursday, October 13, 2011

Scott Hall E:60 (Video)

Damn Scott Hall is in shambles.  E:60 is doing a piece on Scott hall that will be airing next Wednesday.   E:60 follows his descent from superstar to a broken man battling
alcoholism and drug addiction, but still trying to hold onto the glory
he once found in the ring.  

Scott Hall was a damn legend and it's hard to watch this happened to someone we all use to look up too.  Everyone wanted Scott's toothpicks back in the day.  He ruled the ring with one of the best finishing moves around, the Razors Edge.  It sucks how many of these dudes get hooked on pain killers and alcohol, but it's gotta be a fact by now that at least 75% of them do.  Check out the video of the up coming show.