Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jordan: Love of the Game Commercial 2011 (Video)

As far as I know this commercial aired for the first time during Monday Night Football last night.  It features NBA stars Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, and Dwayne Wade.

The stars are trying to make the point that they will play basketball anywhere and with anyone.  The NBA might take their league away, but they can't take their love of the game.

The commercial itself is pretty cool, but I'm not sure I buy the concept.  If they really love the game that much they would come to a deal with the owners.  The fans don't care how much they love the game if they aren't even playing the game. We just want them to get on the court.  I was huge on the NBA last year for the first time since Jordan left.  There are a lot more "big" teams these days, which creates "big" match-ups.  The NBA needs to get their deal together before fans lose their interest.  Oh and by the way they just canceled two more weeks.