Thursday, October 20, 2011

This Dude Looks Like A Guiness, Bets Cardinals at 500/1 and 999/1

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Deadspin - At 8:16 PDT on September 12th, the Cardinals had lost 6-5 in
Pittsburgh, and the Braves were in the 12th inning of their game against
Florida—a game they would lose, but hadn't yet at the moment a man
walked up to a sports book teller at the MGM Grand. St. Louis was five
games back of the wild card with 15 games yet to play, and at least one
oddsmaker decided the Cardinals' chances of winning a World Series were a
thousand to one against.

One unidentified St. Louisan put down $250 on the Cardinals making
the World Series at 500/1, and another $250 on them winning the whole
thing at 999/1. An unlikely late September run, an unlikelier Braves
collapse, upsets of the hyped Phillies and Brewers, and he's $125,000
richer. If the Cards can win three games before they lose four, he'll
pocket another $250,000.

The first thing that comes to mind as a Braves fan is how the hell did that happen.  Second is how the hell did this guy bet on it.  The third is good luck bro.  Might as well pull for him to get even more money out of this miracle no matter how dumb of a bet it was to start with.  We have all bet on a long shot before and wish it would have paid off for us.