Friday, October 21, 2011

Internet Porno Destroying Men's Ability to Perform in Bed With Real Women

Daily Mail - Internet pornography is creating a generation of young men who are hopeless in the bedroom, according to research.

Exposure to lurid images and films in the new media is de-sensitising so many young people that they are increasingly unable to become excited by ordinary sexual encounters, a report said.

The result is that impotence is no longer a problem associated with middle-aged men of poor health but is afflicting men in the prime of their lives.

According to a report in Psychology Today, a respected U.S. journal, the problem is now so common that men in their 20s consider their inability to perform to be 'normal'.

The report, called 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunction is a Growing Problem', explains that the loss of libido 30 years early is caused by continuous over-stimulation of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that activates the body's reaction to sexual pleasure, by repeatedly viewing pornography on the internet.

A 'paradoxical effect' is created whereby with each new thrill, or 'dopamine spike', the brain loses its ability to respond to dopamine signals, meaning that porn-users demand increasingly extreme experiences to become sexually aroused.

'Erotic words, pictures, and videos have been around a long while, but the Internet makes possible a never-ending stream of dopamine spikes,' said Marnia Robinson, the author of the report.

'Today's users can force its release by watching porn in multiple windows, searching endlessly, fast-forwarding to the bits they find hottest, switching to live sex chat, viewing constant novelty, firing up their mirror neurons with video action and cam-2-cam, or escalating to extreme genres and anxiety-producing material. 'It's all free, easy to access, available within seconds, 24 hours a day, seven days a week,' she said.

Ummm yea.  Didn't know that many people had fetishes and watched dominatrix cage porno.  Craziest line in the story "But she said that while recovering, addicts were likely to experience a temporary loss of libido as well as 'insomnia, irritability, panic, despair, concentration problems, and even flu-like symptoms'."

Are you kidding??  Are those not the exact symptoms of a recovering alcoholic or drug addict?  Not sure if this study is bull shit or if these dudes are locking themselves in their mom's basements with 15 computer screens going.