Monday, October 24, 2011

Curtis Painter is Not Peyton Manning as Colts Lose 62-7 (Video)

This video pretty much sums up the 62-7 loss that the Colts suffered last night at the hands of the Saints.  Yea we all know that Peyton Manning doesn't play defense and there is no excuse for giving up 62 points, but come on guys.  Painter went 9/17 with 67 yards and a pick. He also added the fumble in the video below that was one of the uglier plays of yesterday.  Painter isn't paying attention when the center snaps the ball and hits him in the grill.

The Colts need to seriously think about losing for Luck.  They could draft Andrew Luck with their first pick and trade the aging Manning for a bunch of draft picks.  They could stack up on defensive picks and hope to turn next year into something decent.  Doubt they have the gonads to trade Peyton Man Thing though.