Monday, October 31, 2011

Denver Post Calls Tebow Worst QB in the NFL

Denver Post - So maybe we need a new definition for Tebowing.

 It's a prayer for mercy.

Please, in the name of heaven, bring us somebody who can actually play quarterback.

Tim Tebow got thrown to the Detroit Lions on a Sunday when the
Broncos were busted, 45-10. Tebow played so ineptly as to reveal a truth
that his most faithful fans do not want to acknowledge.

Tebow might be a spectacular physical specimen, but he is not an NFL quarterback.

Those five minutes of wonder against Miami
now look like an aberration. Right here, right now, Tebow is the worst
quarterback in the NFL.

Woooow, the bandwagon has left the building already. Pretty sad when you wine and cry for two years to make Tebow the starter then he loses one game before you call him the worst in the league.

No offense, but Broncos fans are apparently the worst in the league.  You cleary gave up your season when you took out Orton, so give Tebow at least the rest of the season and one off-season to get his stuff together.  Not even a week after Tebowing started.

The guy obviously needs some work, but giving him one game is pathetic.  He played one of the best pass rushes in the league if not the best.  He gets Oakland next week who is also solid on the defense end of the ball so Tebow will need to come back strong or the Brady Quinn chants might start up in Denver.