Monday, October 31, 2011

Kim Kardashian Will File For Divorce From Kris Humphries

 Radar - Kim Kardashian, citing "irreconcilable differences,” will file for divorce from husband Kris Humphries Monday after a mere 72 days of marriage, has learned.

Kim’s good friend, and producer of the Kardashian reality shows, Ryan Seacrest
tweeted confirmation of the news. “Yes, @KimKardashian is filing for
divorce this morning, touched base with her, getting a statement in just
a few mins,” he wrote.

The duo reportedly has a prenuptial agreement in place.

WOW this was all just a publicity stunt?  So shocking. Kardashian will always be nothing more than a porno star to me.  She has no talent at anything except wasting our time. Do another porno or go away please.

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