Thursday, October 20, 2011

Libya's Ex-Leader Col Muammar Gaddafi Killed by Yankees Fan With Golden Gun

BBC - BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse in Sirte: "I have spoken to the man who says that he captured him... he was brandishing a golden pistol"

Libya's ex-leader Col Muammar Gaddafi has been killed after an assault
on his home town of Sirte, the transitional authority's acting prime
minister says.

Mahmoud Jibril told a news conference in Tripoli it was time to launch a new unified Libya.

Video footage has been broadcast around the world showing a battered body claimed to be that of Col Gaddafi.

He was toppled in August after 42 years in power. The International Criminal Court has been seeking his arrest.

It's bad-ass enough to be the one who takes down a wanted criminal, but to do it with a golden gun is strait up boss.  Wonder if this dude played James Bond growing up.