Thursday, October 20, 2011

Justin Bieber Has a New Lady Macarena Lemos?

Starcasm - It was initially reported that the Biebs was seen sneaking out of
Macarena’s hotel room, but she has denied those claims. Most
English-speaking news agencies report the gorgeous blond is saying she
only had dinner with the Biebs at a Buenos Aires restaurant before sharing a brief kiss.

The Mirror
ran the Argentinian reports through a Google translator and the results
are a lot more entertaining than they are coherent. Macarena says
Justin complimented her cagoule and told her, “You are very pretty, I
love your windbreaker.”

Usually I stay away from the Bieber drama, but I think this chick has a one up on Selena Gomez.  I also like to see Bieber doing things that piss off everyone.  The dude was a damn pop star at age 5, do you think he's gonna go his whole life without getting some random twat or what?  The kid is going to crush Tiger Woods numbers by the time he's 25.  Hope this story is true.