Monday, October 10, 2011

Tiger Woods Attacked By Fan With Hot Dog

 A crazed fan burst onto the green and threw a hot dog at the former World number one this Saturday at the open.

The sporting star was lining up a putt on the seventh green at
CordeValle when the 31-year-old man charged through security and
launched the frankfurter in his direction.

The unnamed attacker, who appeared to have been drinking, then
dropped to the ground and surrendered with his hands behind his head.

Woods, 35, said: “Some guy just came running on the green, and he had a
hot dog, and evidently... I don't know how he tried to throw it, but I
was kind of focusing on my putt when he started yelling.”

Really??  Who throws a hot dog?  This dude must have been starving for attention to pull some weak stuff like that.  I'm hoping Tiger can get back on track so I will have a reason to watch golf again and we got people throwing hot dogs at him.  I hope it was worth going to jail over hitting someone with a hot dog.