Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ochocinco Returns to Twitter After Two Weeks Off

It was reported that Ochocinco hasn't tweeted since Sept. 24 because he was banned by Coach Bill Belichick.  The real story is that Chad lost a bet in madden that said he couldn't tweet for two weeks.  In his first tweet back he talks about a pass he missed in Buffalo, but the second tweet is the one that gets me.

Chad wants his fantasy football owners to hold on to him a little longer because he is a historically slow starter.  He says that he didn't lose his virginity until his senior year in high school.  I guess that means he is cleaning up these days in the Vag department.  I don't have Chad on either one of my teams but if I did he would already be gone.  I don't doubt that he has potential for the rest of the year but I don't see him making anyone's starting lineup unless they are severely plagued by the injury bug.   And don't worry Chad feel safe that nobody will trade you.  At most you are just getting dropped like the passes that are thrown to you.