Thursday, October 13, 2011

Man Charged With Injecting Semen Into Co-Workers Yogurt

TSG - A 60-year-old Pennsylvania man yesterday was charged with injecting his
semen into “multiple food containers” during a 10-month period ending
earlier this year, according to court records.

Joseph Bartorillo, who has agreed to cop to a federal charge of tampering with consumer products, struck a plea agreement that calls for him to be sentenced to two years in prison.

Bartorillo has admitted that he injected his semen into the yogurt of
two female coworkers at a Procter & Gamble plant in Wyoming County.
He did this, one investigator told TSG, on 13 occasions.

There was no reason given for the motive behind the semen attacks.  Most people would guess this guy is just an old wierdo with some kind of fetish.   Never the less this is pretty damn disgusting and I'm sure this guy will be getting a little semen pay back when he gets into jail.