Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Legally Blind 15-Year-Old Tosses No Hitter in Little League

Huffington - Doug Wells,
a 15-year-old from New Jersey, was diagnosed with glaucoma when he was
an infant. Since then, he's endured five surgeries to attempt to correct
his vision -- none of which worked. At this point, Wells is considered
legally blind. 

But, this season he pitched a no-hitter for his Little League team. That's right, he was the pitcher. He says that when he pitches almost everything is blurry, but he can see the catcher's mitt. 

Despite his condition, his parents never set limits on his
aspirations; they passed a positive attitude onto Doug. "This kid has
never let his disability become a disability. He's overcome it. He
plays, he competes, he plays with passion and pride," Wells' baseball
coach told the "Today" show. 

And his younger brother Alec says it's hard to even describe how proud he is:

"When he threw his no-hitter, I was all over him about it. I went to
school telling everybody, 'Hey-hey, my brother threw a no-hitter! My
brother threw a no-hitter! And he's half-blind. It's amazing.'"

In addition to baseball, Wells also enjoys basketball and recently
took up football. He has no plans to quit anytime soon -- Wells has his
sights set on a coaching career. 

If you don't believe anything is possible, you better believe it now.  This dude is a damn boss after pulling off a no hitter.  Not sure if he was throwing against the worst team in the league, but he could be throwing against a bunch of animals for all I care, a no hitter is hard to get no matter what the case is.  Mad respect for this kid.