Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Orlando Magi CEO Bob Vander Weide Drunk Dialed Dwight Howard Trying to Get Him To Stay in Orlando

Haha, now I can officially say we all have been there. (drunk dialing that is)  Ever since the NBA lockout ended the questions have been surrounding Dwight Howard about where he will be playing this year.  Earlier we showed you the billboard that fans put up trying to get the Magic to sign Chris Paul.  Now we have a story that is 100 times better.

The Orland Magic CEO is now drunk dialing Dwight Howard trying to get him to stay.  Bob Vander Weid announced today that he is retiring from the Orlando Magic (not sure if it is related to the drunk dial or not) after 20 years as the CEO.  Here is what Vander Weide had to say for himself.

CFNEWS13 - Vander Weide confirmed that he made a 1 a.m. phone call in recent
days to Magic superstar Dwight Howard, and Howard thought Vander Weide
may have been intoxicated. On that call, Vander Weide told Howard how
much the Magic wanted to keep him in Orlando.  "I was playing paddle
with friends and had a couple of glasses of wine," Vander Weide told
BHSN.  "Maybe Dwight thought it was inappropriate to talk business after
a couple of glasses of wine... Maybe I should have waited until the

Yea, ummm I think you probably should have waited bud.  I'm sure this isn't the only reason he retired, but I'm also guessing that it had something to do with it.  I put the chances of Howard resigning with the Magic at around 20% so it's probably not a bad time to retire anyway.   And if I'm being totally honest, by the looks of this guy, he is out drinking quite a lot.