Friday, December 16, 2011

Video Evidence of the High School Students That Got Suspended For Tebowing (Video)

Most of you know the story by now of the High School students that got suspended for 'Tebowing' in the hallway.

Riverhead - “We’ve been doing it all week,” said Tyler Carroll of Calverton. “We
started on Monday. We saw Tebow doing it and thought it would be funny.
More people saw and started to join in. It was really catching fire.”

First off this is awesome.  I really wanna back the kids up and say the administrators should be fired, but I just can't.  They got told all week to stop and never did.  So clearly the administration had to do something to get them to stop right?  So why not give them a day of in school suspension. 

Although I can't say the administration did anything wrong, I can say I do like how the kids just kept doing it with no regard for the administration.  Like who really cares about one day of in-school suspension?  Anyone who didn't get in-school suspension at least once just wasn't living life in high school.  Enough said.  Plus they got on ESPN, and every other television station and newspaper known to man.  Props to the kids for not backing down.  Video of the 'Tebowing' is below.

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