Tuesday, December 20, 2011

MMA Fighter Junie Browning In Thailand Bar Fight, Fearing for Life

MMA fighter Junie Browning was involved in a bar fight where he was severely beaten by a group of people while with his girlfriend in Thailand. The Thai mafia is said to be searching for him, and has a price on his head of several hundred thousand baht (Thai currency).  Browning is a former UFC prospect with a sketchy past.  He was arrested back in 2009 when he battered three nurses at St. Rose Dominican Hospital - Siena Campus in Henderson, Nevada.  In the arrest report, the police stated he had taken 16 pills of anti-anxiety drug Klonopin "in an attempt to harm himself."

By the looks of the email this situation was not started by Browning himself, and him and his girlfriend look like they are the victims.

 Read the email Browning sent to the U.S. Embassy via SB Nation.

"Sunday night, we arrived at a small bar in Karon with two other
females, one of which was friends with the owner. It happened to be the
owner of the bar's birthday, Simon Wilson Menzies. So he was surrounded
by a group of 12-15 of his closest friends who had been drinking in
celebration previous to our arrival. My girlfriend and I had a few
drinks, and seeing we didn't know anyone, had decided to leave to go
home. We had contacted a cab and he was on his way to meet us. He would
call when he arrived. A discussion via text message with one of the
girls I had arrived with resulted in MJ Castro and Simon Menzies
confronting me in the street.

MJ was screaming and swinging her hands in front of my face. I do not
know why she was mad. Nothing that I had said involved her or her
friends whatsoever. I assumed she was mad that we were leaving the party
because we were on our way out to meet our cab. Without any notice I
found myself in a physical altercation with Simon in the street.

I could tell from the moment he stepped in front of me, he was
looking for a fight. At this point, it just involved me and Simon, my
girlfriend standing next to us. In only a few seconds, my girlfriend was
thrown across the street and I had been hit from behind in the back of
the head by a glass beer bottle. I stood up looking for my attacker and
found myself surrounded by a mob of people.

It was no longer a man on man ‘bar brawl' but a fight for my
survival. I was trying to defend myself in the street when at some point
I fell back to the ground. They drug me back into the bar where they
pummeled me with punches and kicks. It was me against everyone. For a
second time I received a mass blow over the head with a thick glass mug
that split my head open and made me fall to the floor. I curled up in
the fetal position, submissive, and I continued to be kicked and hit. My
arms up covering my face I felt a slice to my forearm and another stab
to my neck. A Thai girl had a knife and was attacking my head with it. I
must have lost consciousness from blood loss because the next thing I
knew, my girlfriend had sprawled her body on top of mine to protect me
from any more blows. She was screaming that it was "enough" and that the
fight was over. She was taking kicks in my place until a bystander
grabbed me by the shoulders and drug my body down the steps into the
street. All of my attackers remained standing in the bar unharmed. I was
going in and out of consciousness which I am assuming was from my head
trauma while the ambulance arrived and I was transported to the
hospital. My girlfriend accompanied me in the emergency vehicle
drenched in by blood and witnessed the paramedics revive me by CPR

They began to assess my wounds and stitch up the three large gashes
on my head. Without any consideration to my safety or the events that
had just occurred, they placed both Menzies, accompanied by MJ Castro,
and the man who had attacked me with a mug, in the beds right beside me.
Needless to say, I became furious and again words were exchanged. As it
escalated a second time into a physical fight... Security and Patong
Police arrived and restrained all parties. I was taken into the waiting
lobby on a stretcher in handcuffs in front of numerous people to finish
giving me medical attention.

At no point was I rude or uncooperative with either the medical staff
or the police. Taken into consideration the severity of my wounds and
my demeanor and my girlfriend's statement, the police officer removed my
handcuffs. We were told by the officer that we should stay the night in
the hospital to have my head monitored and would be able to go home
with no charges the next morning. It was obvious to him that I was the

My intentions were to file a police report in the morning and deal
with this in a civil manner. Hours later, my phone began to ring with
numerous reliable sources stating that we were not safe and we needed to
leave now! They said that local Thais and mafia had a price on my head
and were headed to the hospital and both my girlfriend and my life were
at risk. We were told to trust or talk to no one and to just leave. We
are aware that the mafia is a real thing and took this very seriously.
We panicked and decided that our best option was to escape in the middle
of the night and hope we could make it home.

My girlfriend pulled out my IV and jumped a fence to find a taxi to
come pick me up. When one arrived, I jumped in and we headed home to
pack. Two friends came banging on the door, which we didn't answer for
fear of who it might be. They continued to bang on the windows until we
realized who it was. We do not want to mention their names to protect
them from being associated with the situation and any harm that may come
to them. They said there was no time, that I needed to hide. They even
mentioned that if my girlfriend was found, they would kill or harm her
in attempt to find me.

The next day I received two separate phone calls from MJ Castro
(which I was informed is not her real name) and Simon Menzie saying that
we needed to pay several hundred thousand baht or they would continue
to hunt us. In addition, facebook messages and phone calls flooded in
from friends and acquaintances telling us we were in big trouble and
needed to get back to the US quickly and again to speak to no one.

To this point I have been unable to seek the medical attention that I
desperately need. My vision in my right eye is impaired; I am in severe
pain; I am going through fainting and dizzy spells, and have severe
head trauma.

All we are asking for is help from people we can trust which brings
us here now. We are victims of a viscous assault and attempt on our
lives. We are seeking the assistance of the U.S. Embassy and want to
clear my name of the wrong-doing I was accused of."

 Can anyone read this and not think it would make a great action movie?

Photo via