Tuesday, December 20, 2011

ESPN Reporter Compares Tim Tebow to John Coffey From The Green Mile (Video)

So we all know Skip Bayless has the biggest crush on Tim Tebow ever, but apparently the other analysts are coming around too.  The video below shows Jon Ritchie, Ryan Stewart, and Skip Bayless grading Tim Tebow's performance against the Patriots.  All the analyst gave Tebow a B+ on his performance which was pretty consistent with my thoughts.  Clearly the turnovers and the fact that the defense couldn't stop the Patriots offense is what lost the Broncos the game.  The funniest part of the video though is when ESPN analyst Ryan Stewart compares Tebow to John Coffey from The Green Mile. Coffey is know for his role in the movie and specifically the part when he makes the rat come back to life with his super human powers.  The life is taken out of Coffey and given to the rat in order for it to live.  Coffey himself can barely move once the transformation of power is complete. Tebow on the other hand passed his power over to Andre Carter who got hurt in the game and was later carted off the field.  Here is the quote from Ryan Stewart "when he used his healing power to heal Andre Carter so he could get up, so he would stay alive, that drained his body."  Never thought of it that way, but clearly this is Tebow's doppelganger right?  Sent from heaven to earth to save everyone from the dying on the field. Tim Tebow = John Coffey

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