Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Jose Canseco Goes Off on Fan When Leaving a Nightclub (Video)

YouTube - Former Baseball slugger "Jose Canseco" goes off on a fan leaving Colony
nightclub on Dec 17th, 2011 in Hollywood, CA, United States.

The video is NSFW so I'll just let you in on what he says.  Someone yells at Canseco "nobody cares about you," while he's getting in his car with two girls to leave the nightclub.  Canseco then yells back "Nobody cares about you either fatass, you got no balls that's why you don't say it to my face, typical human feces, no balls."

So sensitive.  I'm sure that was the reason for the blow on on Canseco's part.  Honestly it's hard to believe he even had people taking pictures of him.  My buddy's were in Vegas last summer and they went to watch some of the World Series of Poker.  Canseco happened to be there walking around so they kept an eye on him for a while and not one person said anything to him. Not to mention he was wearing skinny jeans.  Video below.

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