Wednesday, December 14, 2011

For Some Reason Comcast Sports Gave Bill Romanowski an Analyst Job (Video)

That's right, someone was dumb or smart enough depending on which way you look at it, to hire Bill Romanowski as a sports analyst.  This means he gets to be on television every week now.  For people like me this is a blessing, because I love controversy and people like Bill that tell it like it is.  This is his rant after the Raiders got punished by the Packers last weekend.  He has a simply amazing take on why the Raiders are playing so bad. This is what he said about the Raiders coach "He's got a bunch of guys that like bacon, and you know what they do, they go to the grocery store and they buy their bacon."  "I need wild boar hunters, I need them to go out there and hunt there pig with a knife, rip their throat open, dig down in and get some bacon." 

One of the best analogies ever right?  Check out the rant below.

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