Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Joey Chesnut Wins 5th Strait Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest

Joey Chestnut won his 5th strait title yesterday by 9 hot dogs.  He finished with 62 hot dogs in 10 minutes, and his closest competitor downed only 53 dogs.  Chestnut's previous record of 68 seems like a pretty impossible thing to beat. 

Supposedly Kobayashi ate yesterday via satellite and downed 69 hot dogs which would obviously beat the record.  The thing is there is no way to tell if if actually happened and even if it did it wasn't in a real contest.  The world of competitive eating needs a big rivalry like this to help out the sport.  Yesterday's contest proved to be boring without a challenger to Chestnuts title.  As much of a pussy as Kobayashi looked like when he got arrested, Nathan's needs him back to compete.


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