Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Watch This Chick Get Stuffed.

The show is called  "My Strange Addiction" Wednesday night on TLC

I heard about this on the radio last week and my first impression was, "damn that's great TV." Elliot in the Morning said that she gets her couch snacks used off craigslist. Its gross enough that you're eating yellow couch foam, but other people's soiled-ass cushions is too much.  In the article from ET it says "She's eaten over 200 pounds of couch cushion in her lifetime – seven couches and two chairs, and even her mother's shoulder pads – and has issues of blockage in her stomach and upper intestine."  My dog doesn't even eat that stuff and I have seen him eat his own poop.

It just shows you what kind of people are running around these days. Other episodes featured more weirdos, all females (sorry ladies not saying your all dumb) who ate goodies like chalk, comet, and human hair. These people blow my mind. Not because what they are doing is disgusting, but because I just can't figure out how they decide to put these things in their mouth and why they continue to eat them after they obviously taste like shit. I'm guessing couch lady ran out of ho hos and thought the nasty ass couch cushion could suffice. Anyway, I guess hoagies and happy meals just don't cut it anymore in the food game, but at least she can say she has a little more cushion for the pushin.
