Monday, February 13, 2012

Randy Moss or Terell Owens?

Your boy be back for the upcoming season” are the words of Randy Moss via a Ustream video posted earlier today.  Moss left after a bad season with the Tennessee Titans in which he played 8 games with the Titans, started 4, and finished with 6 receptions, for 80 yards, and no touchdowns.  Not exactly a good way to go out.  This begs the question, T.O. or Randy Moss?  Which veteran wide receiver would you rather have on your team next season?  T.O. tried to mount a comeback last year and nobody took the bait, but that doesn't mean they won't this year.  Personally I would take the younger receiver in Randy Moss and the much healthier player.  Only time will tell if one or both of the vets get one last chance.