Friday, January 6, 2012

Charles Barkley Says Weight Watchers is a Scam on Air (Video)

Here is Barkley during a TV timeout last night calling weight watchers a scam and hating on the Atlanta Hawks.  Clearly this would be a lot worse if he actually meant that weight watchers didn't work.  All he was actually saying is that it's crazy that they pay him so much money just to lose weight.  Pretty funny the wording that he used though.

DSpin "I've been on weight watchers three months. I have to lose two pounds a
week. I'm at 38 pounds now. They come and weigh me every two weeks. I
ain't never missed a weigh-in. Never going to...I'm feeling much better.
But I ain't giving away no money. I'm not giving away no free money. I
thought this was the greatest scam going—getting paid for watching
sports—this Weight Watchers thing is a bigger scam."

The crew goes on to say that they hate watching the Atlanta Hawks and the game they are calling is terrible, and the Hawks desperately need Dwight Howard, but he wouldn't want to go there anyway.

My opinion though is weight watchers is a scam.  Anything you have to pay for is a scam other than a gym membership and food at the grocery store.  Work out and eat healthy on a daily basis and you will be fine.  You can find just about any workout tip and healthy eating tip for free on the internet. 

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