Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kenny Britt Arrested And Charged With Eluding, Obstruction, And Hindering Apprehension

TMZ - Cops in Bayonne, NJ attempted to pull Britt over for speeding -- when
the NFLer allegedly put the pedal to the metal in an effort to outrun

Cops say Kenny eventually stopped after a few miles -- and was arrested and booked on three charges: eluding, obstructing, and hindering apprehension. 

Kenny's passenger -- who allegedly took off on foot during questioning -- was arrested for pot possession, resisting arrest, and obstruction.

Way to go, Kenneth.  You mean you didn't want to add onto your 29 previous traffic violations?  God forbid you get popped for another speeding ticket.  What could possibly be going through your head once you decide to floor it and try to outrun the cops?  Have you ever seen an episode of COPS where a police chase ended any better than it started?  The Titans really know how to find some quality gems in the draft.  Vince Young, PacMan Jones, and now Kenneth "Speed Racer" Britt.


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